This is a set of ultimate utils (useful methods) when using GO
programming language to develop a web applications.
Contains following tools:
- set of functions to extend gorm features:
, Mssql
, Mysql
, Mssql
, Mysql
, Mssql
, Mysql
is unable to create entities with auto-generated identifiers therefore i have to gen it manually)testingutils
- a set of utils that makes unit testing easilyapi/rest
- a set of extensions for github.comgorilla/mux
and gin-gonic.gin
and you get auto Preflight handler register too (response on OPTION
resource) so that you API automatically support CORS
now.As were mentioned above we could make connection to any database (``MySql,
MsSql or
Postgres`) with creation specified database before, drop database. This functionality is especially useful in unit tests. I.e. see unit tests for more details. There are
func TestPostgresOpenDbWithCreate(t *testing.T) {
// Create Db when open
cfg := gorm.Config{}
connStr := BuildConnectionString(Postgres, "", 5432, "gwuu_examples", dbUser, dbPassword, "disable")
testOpenDbWithCreateAndCheck(t, connStr, Postgres, &cfg)
func TestMysqlOpenDbWithCreate(t *testing.T) {
cfg := gorm.Config{}
connStr := BuildConnectionString(Mysql, "", 3306, "gwuu_examples", dbUser, dbPassword, "")
testOpenDbWithCreateAndCheck(t, connStr, Mysql, &cfg)
func TestMssqlOpenDbWithCreate(t *testing.T) {
cfg := gorm.Config{}
connStr := BuildConnectionString(Mssql, "localhost", 1433, "GwuuExamples", dbUser, dbPassword, "")
testOpenDbWithCreateAndCheck(t, connStr, Mssql, &cfg)
func testOpenDbWithCreateAndCheck(t *testing.T, connStr string, dialect SqlDialect, options *gorm.Config) {
db := OpenDb2(dialect, connStr, true, true, options)
assert.NotNil(t, db)
// Close
// Drop
DropDb(dialect, connStr)
// Check
checkResult := CheckDb(dialect, connStr)
assert.Equal(t, false, checkResult)
We could omit check parameter in that case Open database or Open database with create takes less time.
We are also could use function CreateRandomDb
to get new database with random name.
Contains following features:
All arrays could be compared with ORDER or WITHOUT it (for more details please see checkers_test). And one more thing that should be noted - all Check functions contains assertErr parameter which means if it was set to True error will be asserted via assert.Equal
or assert.True
floats and complex types could be compared with tollerance
func TestCheckFloat64SuccessfulWithOrder(t *testing.T) {
arr1 := make([]float64, 3)
arr1[0] = 10.55
arr1[1] = 99
arr1[2] = 55.9
arr2 := make([]float64, 3)
arr2[0] = 11.01
arr2[1] = 99
arr2[2] = 55.6
checkResult, err := CheckFloats64(t, arr1, arr2, 0.5, true, true)
assert.True(t, checkResult)
assert.Empty(t, err)
func TestCheckComplex64SuccessfulWithOrder(t *testing.T) {
arr1 := make([]complex64, 3)
arr1[0] = complex(10.55, 9.12)
arr1[1] = complex(99, 101)
arr1[2] = complex(55.9, 67.23)
arr2 := make([]complex64, 3)
arr2[0] = complex(11.01, 9.49)
arr2[1] = complex(99, 100.91)
arr2[2] = complex(55.6, 66.88)
checkResult, err := CheckComplexes(t, arr1, arr2, 0.5, true, true)
assert.True(t, checkResult)
assert.Empty(t, err)
This package is a extension for gorilla/mux and gin-gonic/gin. In our lib we are having HandleFunc
function which signature is almost equals to mux.Router.HandleFunc
. Using HandleFunc
from gwuu you will forget about Preflight Handlers register (OPTIONS method), they registers automatically and no more additional HandlerFunc anymore for OPTIONS method handling! Gin gonic extension has same GET
, POST`, `PUT`,
DELETE` methods
handler := NewMuxBasedWebApiHandler(true, AnyOrigin)
// Get only method
realmResource := "/api/realm/"
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, realmResource, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "GET")
// full crud
userResourceRoot := "/api/user/"
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, userResourceRoot, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "GET")
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, userResourceRoot, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "POST")
userResourceById := "/api/user/{id:[0-9]+}/"
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, userResourceById, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "GET")
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, userResourceById, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "PUT")
handler.HandleFunc(handler.Router, userResourceById, func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
}, "DELETE")
Consider above example you also get 3 additional automatically OPTIONS
method handlers for:
OPTIONS /api/realm/
OPTIONS /api/user/
OPTIONS /api/user/{id}/
Using our HandlerFunc you won’t ever get CORS Error in JS frameworks/Web Browser.
Gin utilities to auto handle Preflight requests were also tested in the same manner as gorilla/mux
handler := NewGinBasedWebApiHandler(true, AnyOrigin)
handler.Router.RedirectTrailingSlash = true
realmResource := "/api/realm"
realmRoutes := handler.Router.Group(realmResource)
handler.GET(realmRoutes, "/", func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
userResource := "/api/user"
userResourceByIdPath := "/:id/"
userRoutes := handler.Router.Group(userResource)
handler.GET(userRoutes, "/", func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
handler.POST(userRoutes, "/", func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
handler.GET(userRoutes, userResourceByIdPath, func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
handler.PUT(userRoutes, userResourceByIdPath, func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
handler.DELETE(userRoutes, userResourceByIdPath, func(ctx *gin.Context) {})
// Requests with trailing slashes ...
checkGinOptionRouteCors(t, handler.Router, realmResource+"/", AnyOrigin, "*", "OPTIONS,GET")
checkGinOptionRouteCors(t, handler.Router, userResource+"/", AnyOrigin, "*", "OPTIONS,GET,POST")
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "GET", realmResource+"/", AnyOrigin)
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "GET", userResource+"/", AnyOrigin)
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "POST", userResource+"/", AnyOrigin)
userById := "/api/user/123/"
checkGinOptionRouteCors(t, handler.Router, userById, AnyOrigin, "*", "OPTIONS,GET,PUT,DELETE")
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "GET", userById, AnyOrigin)
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "PUT", userById, AnyOrigin)
checkGinRouteCors(t, handler.Router, "DELETE", userById, AnyOrigin)